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The Power of Your Personal Brand

“Strength comes from weakness, from vulnerability.”

Chris Do

When we think of the term personal brand, our minds often turn to what we convey to others, the value we present, and frequently, it seems detached from our true selves. It’s about selling something to others, transforming us into commodities rather than authentic products.

Contrary to this, and according to Chris Do, director, designer, strategist and educator, we must say that the first step to create your personal brand is to discover who you are, beyond the image you show to the world, the one that is accepted both by yourself and by others.

That process of self-discovery has to do with bringing to light your dark side, your shadow, which, according to Carl Jung, influential psychologist, psychoanalyst and psychiatrist, are those personality traits that the conscious side does not recognize as your own.

In one way or another, all those feelings and capacities that you have denied and not recognized in yourself (jealousy, aggressiveness, guilt, greed, arrogance or cowardice) you have been pushing them away to that dark side that becomes your shadow.

That shadow does not allow you to be who you really are, it takes away your authenticity and naturalness. With it you are not really yourself, but a sweetened and socially accepted image of yourself.

When you manage to bring to light and integrate that dark part of your being, embrace it and integrate it, your weakness becomes strength, and that allows you to know who you really are, identify your beliefs and interests and unveil your super powers. 

At the end of your process of self-discovery, you will be able to define those super powers in two or three words unique to you with which you will tell the world who you are and what you stand for: Your Personal Brand.y yet?

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